ANUFIX NITRO is a biological fertilizer contains inoculum of Azotobacter chrococcum which help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen in rhizosphere, produces growth promoting substances such as Indole acetic acid (IAA), Vitamins, antifungal metabolites and Phytohormones known to produce antibiotic, which suppress a variety of plant root pathogens
Mode of Application :-
Soil Application, Soil Drenching, Seed Treatment and Drip Irrigation.
Benefits :-
ANUFIX NITRO improves seed germinations, fixes 20-30% Nitrogen required by plant. It replaces nitrogenous fertilizers causing reduction in cost. It increasing yield, improves produce quality and hence farmer income.
Target Crops :-
ANUFIX NITRO recommended for all crops like Wheat, Paddy, . Cotton, Sugarcane, Vegetables, Flowers, Ornamental plant etc.
Dose :-
500 ml/acre ( For Seed treatment: 5ml/Kg of seeds).
PACKING SIZE :- 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
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