Liquid :- TOTAL VIABLE COUNT: CFU min. 1.5×10 cells/ml of Liquid
7 Granules :- TOTAL VIABLE COUNT: CFU min. 3×10 cells/g of carrier
ANUSOL NPK is a microbial formulation containing strains of bacteria which are able to synthesize/assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes phosphate and potash into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to the crops. It converts non available forms of micronutrients into available form.
Mode of Application :-
Soil Application, Soil Drenching, Seed Treatment and Drip Irrigation.
Benefits :-
ANUSOL NPK Have the ability to fix, solubilizes and mobilize and cause uptake of N, P and K and also help in nutrient cycling & Help to reduce environmental pollution and the high costs, which result from chemical fertilizer usage and its residues. It increases drought tolerance and reduces disease infestation.
Target Crops :-
Recommended for all crops like: Wheat, Cotton, Paddy, Sunflower, Ground nut, Potato, Mustard, Pulses, Banana, Mango, Grapes, Guava, Pomegranate, Custard apple, Orange, Citrus fruit, Coconut, Tomato, Chili, Brinjal, Onion, Okra, Cardamom, Horticultural plants, Floricultural plants, Medicinal plants etc.
Dose :-
Liquid : 500 ml/acre ( For Seed treatment: 5ml/Kg of seeds).
Granules:- 4-8Kg/acre
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