ANUSOL PHOSPHO contains highly efficient phosphate solubilizing bacteria that grow and secrete organic acids, which dissolve this unavailable phosphate in to soluble form and make it available to the plants.
Mode of Application :-
Soil Application, Soil Drenching, Seed Treatment and Drip Irrigation
Benefits :-
ANUSOL PHOSPHO increase seed germination, Micro nutrient uptake efficacy of plants and efficacy of applied phosphorus fertilizers. It improves soil health by increasing organic matter content of the soil. It enhances tolerance to drought and other kind of abiotic and biotic stresses.
Target Crops :-
ANUSOL PHOSPHO recommended for all crops like Wheat, Paddy5. Cotton, Sugarcane, Vegetables, Flowers, Ornamental plant etc.
Dose :- 500ml/acre ( For Seed treatment: 5ml/Kg of seeds ).
PACKING SIZE :- 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
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